Smith van Lin



"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Martin Luther King Jr.

On webinars and expert panels about reparations, criminal justice processes and the impact on victim rights, and other thematic issues.

To students, NGOs, practitioners and academics on the practical aspect of engaging with survivor communities.

To victims, allowing them to tell their stories and articulate their concerns in one-on-one interviews.

At large conferences and workshops as part of efforts to keep the general public informed about key developments about victim rights in regional and international contexts.

To the media, providing commentary on developments in international criminal justice proceedings.

Sustained dialogue about the rights of victims involves multiple perspectives and may even have legal and political implications. Not only do I welcome dialogue on these critical issues, I also create spaces for frank and open discussion by organizing webinars and conducting interviews, particularly on victim rights and reparations.

Speaking Up & Out

About the rights of victims and contributes to sometimes-difficult conversations on the systems, policies and resources needed to give effect to those rights.