Smith van Lin


"Write what should not be forgotten."

Isabel Allende

Research & Analysis

My consultancy services include comprehensive research and analysis of laws and policies for survivors of violence; gender analysis and mainstreaming; and support for victim-focused programmes.


Articles & Reports

Reparations for Victims of Sexual Violence: Preliminary Considerations in the Ntaganda Case: “The conviction and sentencing of Bosco Ntaganda, also known as ‘The Terminator,’ before the International Criminal Court in 2019, for a range of war crimes and crimes against humanity including, for the first time, rape and sexual slavery in Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has placed the issue of reparations for sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) crimes squarely back on the table at the ICC…”

When we Don’t Speak the Same Language: The Challenges of Multilingual Justice at The ICC ~ “With 124 states parties to date and the potential for situations to be referred by the UN Security Council, the ICC’s jurisdictional reach spans virtually every country and language. Delivering justice in a multi-lingual context presents both challenges and opportunities for the Court…”

Victims’ Participation at the International Criminal Court: Benefit or Burden?: The Ashgate Research Companion to International Criminal Law ~ As international criminal law becomes more established as a distinct discipline, it becomes imperative for international criminal scholarship to provide a degree of critical analysis, both of individual legal issues and of the international criminal project as a whole. This book represents an important collective effort to introduce an element of legal realism or critical legal studies into the academic discourse…”

No time to wait: Realising Reparations for Victims before the International Criminal Court ~ “The reparations mandate of the ICC is a critical component of its overall framework for giving victims a voice and allowing them to exercise their rights within the international criminal justice system…”

