Smith van Lin


"It always seems impossible until it’s done."

Nelson Mandela

Getting Involved

Lorraine participates as expert speaker, panellist and moderator in international law conferences and workshops.


Calendar 2021

22 April

Conflict Related Sexual Violence Network of the Netherlands
Discussion on the issue of reparations at the International Criminal Court and its impact on survivors. Coordinated by the Centre Against Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence in Conflict; other panellists include Dr. Alina Balta, Victoria Nyanjura.

6 May

Powerful Game Changers: Empowering Women & Girls: UNANYC
Fireside chat with Lorraine Smith van Lin, Founder of Tallawah Justice for Women and Sylvia Acan, war survivor and Founding Director of Golden Women Vision Uganda, a non-profit organisation dedicated to rebuilding the lives of post-conflict survivors.

17 May

Achievements and Challenges Facing the Prosecutor of the Int. Criminal Court
Lorraine will be moderating this virtual roundtable organised by the Center for International Law and Policy in Africa (CILPA), with the co-sponsorship of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) and the International Nuremberg Principles Academy.